The images speak for themselves. The people that we meet and build relationships with are some of the most meaningful aspects of our work, and of what is behind the products that you buy from us.
Fair trade associations are based first, on supporting people and communities, with developing products as a means to that end. We meet and work where people work in small groups in neighbourhood houses with their children nearby or nestled in the group, family-based workshops, or in the main facilities of the fair trade associations, where parents working share the space with daycare support, a school for their kids, adult literacy classes, or a subsidized cafeteria with incredible food. The people who come to work at the associations come for varied reasons and from varied backgrounds. Some come simply seeking a positive work environment, training and mentorship, or better compensation. Others may have been marginalized in one way or another – economically, from a minority group or low caste, women leaving family violence, or youth at risk. Some have grown up with the fair trade groups, such as Umesh (to the left) who was brought to the Kumbeshwar Technical School (KTS) when he was 5 – without family, and deaf. Umesh is now responsible for packing all of the products that leave KTS (including our knitwear line) and his light and pride in his work is pure joy to see everytime we visit KTS.
There is a rich community of wonderful and hard working people behind the products that you buy from Fibres of Life and we wanted to give you a glimpse into who they are.